Wednesday, June 27, 2007


While reading the most recent ADA(whooo!!!) newsletter, 18 June 2007. I noticed on page 18 that they gave out some awards to communities that fluoridate water. Why??? Let's look at the facts:

Fluoride reduces tooth decay!!! It is 100% true that fluoride reduces tooth decay. It's been proven in research after research that fluoride reduces tooth decay!!! And that's good!!!

What the ADA and other dental agencies never tell you is........YOU DON'T NEED FLUORIDE TO HAVE HEALTHY AND DECAY FREE TEETH!!!!!!!!

There I said it.
I have violated the Holy Grail of the dental profession. After all, we live and die for Fluoride. We put it in our cements, our bonding resins. It's so good we should sprinkle it on your breakfast cereal. Hell, there's an idea.... Super chocolate crispy breakfast bombs now with Fluoride!!! I can see the ad now, "All the fluoride you need daily , now in a breakfast cereal!!!"

Fluoride is so important we even give awards to employees that do a good job of pushing an unneeded chemical on the general public.( See ADA(whooo) news 18 June 2007 bottom of the page.)

But hey what do I know I'm,
Just-A DDS!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Training YOUR patient!!

Hello Dr.,
Today I spent some time training YOUR new patient, but first a brief bit of background info....

Pt. Joe Dickwad failed his 2 hour, confirmed appointment, he didn't call nor offer any explanation for his absents. My office manager called his office( he works just down the street) to see if he was on his way. His secretary said that he was in a meeting and could not be disturbed. This is the same secretary that confirmed his appointment the previous day. She hadn't bothered to call us to tell us that Mr. Dickwad would not be at his previously scheduled 2 hours appointment!!! ( Apparently she did not feel it important!!) Words were exchanged between my office manager and his secretary, yet nothing that would be considered inappropriate. My office manager explained that the 2 hours was set aside for Mr. Dickwad and his failure was not proper.

Jump ahead, 30 days, Joe Dickwad is sent his 6 month recall card 1 week prior to his appointment, he gathers up his recall card and returns it to my office with the following letter:

Dear Dr. King of all Dentists,

Due to the extremely unprofessional treatment by your office manager to my receptionist and myself during telephone conversations, accept this correspondence that I will not longer be a patient in your office. Also, I would like you to personally see to it that my name is removed from any further mailings from your practice.

Given the fact that I trusted you as my dentist, and have always enjoyed my past visits, the decision to seek dental treatment elsewhere, was not made easily. I would like to further state that I suspect the discourteous treatment we encountered from your receptionist is not limited to my staff or myself. In my opinion such rude interactions will have an adverse effect on your personal income.

Joe Dickwad

I countered with the following letter to Mr. Dickwad:

Mr. Dickwad,

I am in receipt of your letter dated ..... Please be advised that you will no longer receive any correspondence for this office.

Given the fact that I trusted you, as my patient to keep your scheduled appointment, an appointment confirmed with your secretary, an appointment which you failed to keep, your decision to seek another dentist is willingly accepted.

As for interactions that adversely affect my personal income, patients that have scheduled 2 hours appts and then fail those appts without so much as a phone call, that is what affects my income!!! If this has happened to you in the business world then you understand the rude nature of such actions on the part of clients or patients.

King of all Dentists

Do I expect to ever see Joe Dickwad again as a patient, God I hope not, but some dentist will see him and that lucky dentist will reap the benefits of my educating this A-hole. Joe Dickwad will never again fail an appt without calling first.

Telling Joe Dickwad that he is an unacceptable patient and HE must change is my contribution to dentistry.

To many dentists accept being kicked around by Joe Dickwad and his friends the "No-shows" I say show them to the door of your office and be done with them. Forever!!!

Now, how can you thank me, well CASH is always nice, but knowing what cheap bastards most dentists are , I guess that is out of the question. So try this instead, next time Joe Dickwad and his friends start kicking you around, KICK them out the door of your office and but before you do, let them know that failed appts are unacceptable and you will be imposing a $150 failed appointment policy and charging their credit card. AND NO REFUNDS!!!!

Screw these loser patients and their loser thinking.

But hey what do I know I'm,

Monday, June 11, 2007

King of all Flippers!!!

After close to 35 years in this business, I've come to the conclusion that I am "THE KING OF ALL FLIPPERS!!! There isn't a flipper that I can't build and in record time. Hell, I don't even articulate the damn things any more!!!! For I am THE KING OF ALL FLIPPERS!!!!!

Flippers for those that can't afford the real thing!!!
Flippers for those that can't appreciate good dentistry!!
Flippers for those that don't deserve the best!!!!
Flippers baby, flippers!!!!

I just take the model and free hand everything. I hot wax the denture tooth against the model and away we go..... I cold cure everything, check oclusion in the mouth and am in and out of the whole situation in under an hour!!!

Flippers baby, flippers!!!!
The hardest part in not laughing when qouting the fee!!! That's why I wear a mask!!!!HAHA!!!!


Friday, June 8, 2007

The Canker Sore!!
